
we got a blog

Hello there, passersby! 

Check out this shiny new blog we have here! And nothing pairs better with having a blog than having news to share on it...good thing we have both.

We're getting ready to record a full-length album in November. We're so excited and can't wait to share it with you in the coming months.

If you're in the Boston area, we'll be debuting a lot of our new tunes at The Burren in Somerville, MA on November 16. You can find more info on that on the gig page here. We're sharing the night with our pal Galen Fraser - it's his album launch night, and it's going to be lots of fun, I can feel it already. The next day, we'll sneak off to New Hampshire to record! 

More on all of that the meantime, here's a newish video!

Happy autumn! 
x Jenna
(with look-over-my-shoulder approval from Máiri)